Feeder-Wise Revenue Analysis and Monitoring of Energy Sales (FRAMES)

The Indian power-distribution sector has been plagued with inherent issues of high aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses and a wide gap between the cost incurred and revenue realised. Most distribution companies (DISCOMs) continue to struggle with these issues even after the implementation of Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana (UDAY), launched for the revival of the distribution sector. This study puts forth a framework developed with the intention to ameliorate the position of Indian DISCOMS.

Comprehensive Clean Air Action Plan for the City of Patna

The year-long study identified source-specific control measures (CMs) and assessed their technological and economic feasibility for implementation. The study included the development of an emission inventory for Patna and several focused group discussions with stakeholders to understand the pollution landscape.

Long-term energy system planning considering short-term operational constraints

  • Long-term planning models give an insight into possible energy scenarios and do not examine technologies in detail.

  • Renewable energy sources have spatial and temporal intermittency that causes challenges for short-term system operations.

  • Including operational details of generators directly in a planning model reduces intricacy of handling separate models.

  • Operational constraints increase usage of conventional generators and reduce overall capacity needs in planning model.

Cleaning Up the Act

Find out how Shameela and members of her community in Andhra Pradesh are ensuring sanitation for all under CSTEP’s inclusive framework. Integrating gender into sanitation, the framework, which was implemented through a consortium including CFAR and ASCI, put an end to open defecation in three towns of the state, while achieving gender equality, clean water and sanitation.