AT&C loss reduction: Hopes pinned on UDAY

The electricity distribution sector in India is considered to be the most important link in the entire power sector value chain. It is also the face of the electricity sector for consumers. The most critical issues plaguing the distribution sector are high aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses, poor billing and revenue collection efficiency and inadequate infrastructure. This sector has been reeling under losses to the tune of Rs.3.8 trillion due to systemic inefficiencies.

CSTEP Turns 10

The documentary describes how CSTEP has transformed itself from a newcomer to one of the best think tanks in South Asia, enriching policymaking with innovative scientific approaches for a sustainable, secure and inclusive society.

India’s GHG Emissions: Trends and Indicators

CSTEP, on behalf of GHG Platform India, has hosted the webinar to discuss the trends in GHG emissions from key economic sectors--Agriculture, Forestry & Other Land Use (AFOLU), Energy, Industry, and Waste. The webinar highlights how these trends relate to India’s climate policy and related targets, with reference to indicators like emissions intensity of GDP and emissions per capita, at the national level. It features researchers and experts from GHGPI partners (CEEW, CSTEP, ICLEI South Asia, Vasudha Foundation, and WRI India).