Building towns to save our cities
Some of the most populous cities in the country are the ones that suffer most from liveability issues due to crumbling infrastructure, congestion, pollution and associated problems. This article discuss a potential solution.
Performance Comparison of Solar Photovoltaic Models for Plant Siting in India
India plans to add 100 GW of solar electric power generation by 2022 to an existing system (with an installed capacity of close to 330 GW, as on January 2018, from all sources). Selection of sites for such a large infrastructure investment is definitely an important decision.
Transition to All Electric Public Transportation: Energy Resource Assessment
Large-scale penetration of EV comes with a plethora of sectoral planning challenges and will require coordinated planning between the transport, urban planning and power sectors.
This Simple Water-Saving Method Has Increased Rice Yield of TN Farmers 10-Fold!
Large-scale adoption of this technology can be a potential game-changer for paddy cultivation in the country, given the unpredictability of the monsoon and the poor replenishment rate of groundwater.
Assessing Impacts of Economic Growth Trajectories on Climate Goals: A CGE-TIMES Framework for India
Our study aims to simulate India’s long-term economic growth trajectories and assess the implications on energy and emissions till 2030.
Electric buses in India: Technology, Policy and Benefits
Over the past decade, India’s cities have been witnessing an increasing trend in motorization with deteriorating air quality, and there have been calls to promote public transport as a way out of this gridlock. It is in this context that electric buses can play a positive role, as there are several benefits associated with the shift from conventional diesel buses to electric buses in terms of reduction in local pollution, noise, and fuel consumption. In spite of the many positive benefits related to the electric bus technology, certain challenges remain.
Recommendations to the Government on India's Official GHG Emission Estimation Process
To increase the reliability of India's national emissions inventory, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) must consider developing 'country-specific' emission factors using real- time measurements across all sectors. At present, many of the employed emission factors are either defaults or global estimates.
Decarbonising the Cooking Sector
The optimal approach to decarbonise cooking is to start using a clean and low-carbon fuel. It is essential to ensure that the shift to modern, clean cooking fuels and the use of energy-efficient technologies go hand-in-hand. Transition to electricity-based cookstoves will offer similar or higher decarbonisation outcomes and lower the risks on energy security.