Energy Storage in India: A Wave of Opportunity

Thanks to favourable government policies and the reducing costs of technology, renewable energy is getting cheaper around the world. Today, it is cheaper to source energy from solar and wind plants than new thermal plants. This is great news for the renewable sector because market forces are now favourable for the large-scale adoption of solar and wind. However, one of the major drawbacks of increasing the share of renewables is that they threaten grid stability, owing to their fluctuating behaviour.

Decoding the Journey of Electricity

This article is first in the #Empower series of blogs by CSTEP, which aims to inform and interest the public in technical and policy issues that affect us on a day-to-day basis. In this and the next few articles, we will break down the journey of electricity from generation to consumption and elaborate on how every step of this journey has implications for you, the consumer. 

Decoding the Informal Sector for Targeted Policy Initiatives

Migrant workers with no access to rations, families stuck in 60 sq. ft. shanties, domestic workers with no means to pay rent; the media has been abuzz with narratives on the quandaries of the informal sector following the national lockdown. While the Central and State governments tried to address their issues through measures like free rations and cash transfers, there have been "inadequacies and lapses", according to the Supreme Court. The absence of a comprehensive database on the sector contributes to these lapses to a large extent.

Using COVID-19 Response Measures to Build Resilience in Systems

In the fight against COVID-19, India announced INR 1.70 lakh crore (0.8 per cent of GDP) stimulus package. The package covers food, cooking gas, and direct cash transfers to low-income households. It includes insurance cover for health workers and wage support to low-wage workers. Later on, in May 2020, the government announced INR 20 lakh crore (10 per cent of GDP) to revitalise the economy. This package is inclusive of the INR 1.7 lakh crore to make India self-reliant.

Climate change: The heat is on

The temperature in the Indian subcontinent is set to increase 4 degree Celsius or more by the turn of the century, with frequent heatwaves persisting over longer durations. This and more such acute insights were revealed in a recent study released by the Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India. Based on a thorough assessment of the observed changes and future projections of temperature, rainfall, sea level, and extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves, the report is a clarion call for immediate action.

Energy Storage Options for Indian Power Grid

The Government of India plans to integrate 175 GW of variable renewables into the grid by 2022. At the same time, India's power consumption is steadily increasing. Hence, to ensure energy security and better utilisation of intermittent renewable generation, energy storage systems at the grid-scale are required. There is a range of grid-scale storage options, which can be incorporated in the Indian power grid.

Sowing the seeds of a solar power revolution via agro photovoltaics

Agro Photovoltaics (APV) is a unique model of collocating food and fuel. While safeguarding traditional livelihood, it creates new income avenues for farmers. In this Op-ed, the authors observe that government initiatives such as PM-KUSUM can act as catalysts to take this model forward, empowering farmers along the way.

Annual Report 2019-20

This is CSTEP's Annual Report for the year 2019-20.

In this year’s annual report, we look at an Evolved CSTEP. We trace our journey, highlight our biggest impact stories, reflect on where we are in achieving our vision, and our efforts towards consolidating research to better enable this. Over the last year, we have consolidated our research into five areas: Energy & Power; Climate, Environment & Ecosystem; Artificial Intelligence & Digital Lab; Materials & Strategic Studies; and Computational Tools.

Cab Aggregators' Data: An Untapped Opportunity for Transportation Planning

The emergence of app-based cab aggregators (CA) has disrupted the urban transportation system and transformed how people make travel choices in Indian cities. These choices impact public transport ridership, vehicle ownership, congestion, parking etc. Understanding the extent of these impacts is critical for efficient transportation planning and policy. Shared mobility platforms such as Ola and Uber have made commuter travel habits trackable and collect real-time data at every point of a commuter’s journey.