Adapting to the pandemic with a human touch

The present pandemic has possibly been one of the most disruptive events in our lives, both professionally and personally. It has dislodged us from our comfort zones and challenged us to find novel ways to work, collaborate, and interact. Like everybody else, the Human Resources (HR) team at the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) in India had to adapt and evolve to keep up with this unique situation.

This article is an overview of some of the challenges the CSTEP HR team has faced, and how we’ve overcome them.

Webinar: Solar Mini-Grid for Improved Energy Access

The webinar 'Solar Mini-Grid for Improved Energy Access' was held on 9 September 2020. It presented CSTEP’s Solar Techno-Economic Model for Photovoltaics (CSTEM PV) and discussed technology advancements and opportunities for rural energy access. The event was attended by 114 participants.

To know more about the tool, watch CSTEM PV 2 Tool - An introduction to the tool

Data: The Missing Link to Solving Air Pollution

The India Clean Air Summit (ICAS), CSTEP's flagship event on air pollution, was envisaged as a platform to consolidate the latest findings, solutions, and concepts on air pollution. The summit aims to bring scientists, researchers, policymakers, and communicators under one roof to discuss and find informed and implementable solutions to improve our air quality.


(*This blog article has been authored by the Communication & Policy Engagement Team at CSTEP.)

Editing at a Think Tank: Un-learnings, Aspirations, and Some Thinking

Think Tanks do more than just research. At CSTEP, it is the coming together of science and policy practitioners, modellers, and communicators with a single mandate: bringing forth scientific evidence to improve policy to tackle developmental challenges. In this series, we look at what happens behind the scenes at a technology-policy think tank, and how each link in the chain plays a crucial role.