Atleast 9 million people die annually from air pollution-related complications, according to a recent study by The Lancet Commission on pollution and health. Meanwhile, the alarming increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, due to human activities, is escalating the climate crisis. Putting a number on deaths attributable to climate change is complex, but there’s no denying this: we are at crisis point and it is likely to get worse before (and if) it gets better.

Considering the urgency of finding answers to these questions, we chose ‘Looking at Air Pollution through the Climate Lens’ as the theme of our flagship event — The India Clean Air Summit 2022.

If you are an academician, policymaker, policy analyst, technologist, part of an affected community, a student, or just someone curious — we invite you to participate in the discussions. Details of the topics being discussed at ICAS2022 are available here.

Why There’s a Need to Look at Air Pollution Through the Climate Lens
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Why There’s a Need to Look at Air Pollution Through the Climate Lens
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Why There’s a Need to Look at Air Pollution Through the Climate Lens