Domain Name
Air Pollution

CSTEP’s vision for the Air Pollution domain is to be the sought-after centre for providing evidence backed implementable measures for better air quality. We are working towards building scientific evidence for informed decision making in this sector.  

Our work focuses on conducting measurement and monitoring studies, developing emissions inventories, source apportionment studies, modelling studies, assessing health impacts, performing techno-economic assessment for mitigation measures and related policy assessments. CSTEP hopes to conduct the above activities within various cities in India (and the South Asian region) and provide high quality advice to manage air quality.

The team is working in collaboration with government departments in Karnataka and Bihar. We have collaborated with institutions such as IIT Kanpur, IIT Madras, M. S. Ramaiah University (Bengaluru), Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Urban Emissions and University of Washington to deepen our knowledge in the domain. Through these endeavours, the team aims to be the touchstone for air-quality-studies in India and in South-Asia. 

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Air Pollution
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