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Artificial Intelligence for Development

CSTEP, as a technology-policy think tank, has adopted AI as a strategic initiative for the purpose of social development. Technology companies, governments, and social organisations are all looking at AI with interest. We have identified four sectors for immediate focus: Health & Nutrition, Education, Agriculture and Defence. CSTEP is working on several solutions involving AI and other complementary technologies in these sectors.

The AI solutions, we are currently working on, involve image recognition, photo-based health capture, game theory, and machine learning-based predictions.
The solutions are selected based on the impact they are likely to have on the society. For this, it is important that the solution fits into the existing processes and the ecosystems. We ensure that the development culminates into a ready-to-deploy solution. CSTEP ensures the support through the deployment process.
Besides development of technology components, CSTEP is actively studying the AI implications for sectors like defence, health and agriculture and coming out with strategy papers. This involves extensive understanding of the trends in technology along with the knowledge of the domain. CSTEP is also evaluating the implications of AI in socio-economic terms such as jobs, privacy and work models.

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