Domain Name

In the Transport domain, we examine policies and strategies for sustainable mobility solutions. Broad areas of work include public transport, multi-modal transport integration, low-carbon mobility, and new and emerging disruptive technologies. 

CSTEP’s work on public transport focusses on improving operational efficiency, innovative financial mechanisms, route planning, and demand assessment. Our work also espouses greater importance for public transport through sustained policy interventions at the state and central levels. Under multi-modal transport integration, we focus on feeder network planning, PT-IPT and NMT integration. An important part of this engagement is addressing mobility issues which are of pressing concern to key stakeholders. Our work on low-carbon mobility involves giving end-end solutions. These include addressing technology adoption, transport planning, and implementation and make CSTEP a complete solution provider in this sector. 

We are also actively engaged in studying new and emerging technologies, such as shared mobility and high-speed technologies. These disruptive technologies have an impact on urban mobility, and our interests lie in moulding these technologies from a policy perspective to provide sustainable mobility solutions. 

We work closely with multiple stakeholders, including public transport undertakings, transport agencies, urban local bodies, research organisations and consultancies. We collaborate with these stakeholders to carry out timely studies which aid in scientific decision making. In recent work, CSTEP has suggested strategies to improve efficiencies in public transport and seamless connectivity across multiple transport modes. 

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