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Renewables and Energy Efficiency

Solar: CSTEP is actively involved in shaping solar policy at both the state and central levels. CSTEP’s pioneering work in the field of aerial imagery-based rooftop solar potential assessment in cities has gained traction in Karnataka and Bihar. CSTEP also works with the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) to design systems for solar-based electrification in challenging locations. CSTEP is a knowledge partner for the Government of Karnataka for solar technology and policy analyses. CSTEP’s researchers use innovative techniques to study solar applications and their scalability, such as rooftop solar on polyhouses in Manipur.

Energy Efficiency: CSTEP provides options for improving energy efficiency in several sectors of the economy. CSTEP has worked with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and members of the industry to develop a methodology for setting targets in energy-intensive industrial clusters for the Perform, Achieve and Trade (PAT) mechanism. The group also contributed to the Industry Working Group of the Low-Carbon Growth Expert Committee set up by the Planning Commission. Currently, CSTEP is building capacity in the field of energy efficiency in buildings.

Wind: CSTEP has used Geographical Information System (GIS) to estimate the wind potential for Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. CSTEP has also examined the cost effectiveness of various electricity storage options, such as batteries, to evaluate a sustainable integration of large-scale wind power in the electricity grid.

Renewables and Energy Efficiency
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