01567nas a2200217 4500000000100000000000100001008004100002260002400043100001800067700001700085700002000102700001500122700001400137700001600151700001200167245012800179856004500307300001100352490000700363520097900370 2020 d cnovbIOP Publishing1 aAchintya Bera1 aAnjali Singh1 aSatyendra Gupta1 aK Glazyrin1 aDVS Muthu1 aUV Waghmare1 aAK Sood00aPressure-induced isostructural electronic topological transitions in 2H-MoTe2: x-ray diffraction and first-principles study uhttps://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648x/abaeac a0654020 v333 aSynchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements on powder 2H-MoTe2 (P63/mmc) up to ∼46 GPa have been performed along with first-principles based density functional theoretical analysis to probe the isostructural transition in low pressure regime and two electronic topological transitions (ETT) of Lifshitz-type in high pressure regime. The low pressure isostructural transition at ∼7 GPa is associated with the lattice parameter ratio c/a anomaly and the change in the compressibility of individual layers. The pressure dependence of the volume by linearizing the Birch–Murnaghan equation of state as a function of Eulerian strain shows a clear change of the bulk modulus at the ETT pressure of ∼20 GPa. The minimum of c/a ratio around 32 GPa is associated with the change in topology of electron pockets marked as second ETT of Lifshitz-type. We do not observe any structural transition up to the maximum applied pressure of ∼46 GPa under quasi-hydrostatic condition.